Bruisers Blog

Friday, February 16, 2007


Today my sister came in. It was nice to have another family member come in, its not as stressful that way. I wanted to get a full mouth done on her today, that was my only goal. She had never had one before and is prone for caries so I decided she would be a good one to do it on. I got the full mouth done and with only three retakes. It was a good day!


Today in clinic my dad came in as my patient. My goal was to declair an exam on him so that I had one of my exams out the way for the semester. I accomplished my goal, I decided that I wanted to get it done so I declaired it. I got him finished in the amount of time that I needed to and instructor skeen didn't find any clicks left when i was done. It was a very nice feeling to get on of those out of the way.