Bruisers Blog

Monday, November 19, 2007


Today went well in the morning my pt was a 1B and so very nice easy morning. I got him completed and out by 10! He did want a copy of his moms x-rays since a tooth was bothering her and she wanted to go to her dentist and didn't wan to pay for more x-rays and lost her copy from when she was in the clinic in September. It was a good experience since I hadn't dupicated x-rays since fall semester of 1st year and had to learn it all over again basically. Then my pt who was my mockboard who was returning to finish his remaining quads didn't come back. I need one more quad of a class 3 exam so I am worried that I won't find one now but hopefully it all works out. I was able to find another 1B to replace him at the last minute which worked out good since I need 1Bs. He was an easy pt...a little on the weird side but nice! It was a good day!


We had a lab again in the morning and once again I saw my class 4 pt in the afternoon. I can see myself improving a great deal each quad that I do on him and it is exciting. I finished him today and I am going to do a tissue eval and them see him again next semester because he is in such need of regular cleaning appts.

Mockboard 10/30/07 instead of 11/1/07

Today was mockboard instead of 11/1 because my pt came on the wrong day at the wrong time and so my pt was given to another student who was in clinic. I was a little frustrated at first but it all worked out and he agreed to stay for the afternoon so that I could complete my mockboard on him. It was unbelievably stressfull but I am glad everything worked out and I did well on my exam!


My mom was my patient in the morning, she has very heavy and quick building calculus so she was very excited to come back in and have me scale her teeth again. Her calculus is pretty soft and easy to remove so she is a great pt. She was my very first pt. fall semester of last year and it is exciting to see how much easier and better her cleanings go now that I have improved my skills. In the afternoon I again had a cancelation the night before and was scrambling because I was hoping that the pt that I had schedule that canceled would be a mockboard. I ended up finding the pt. and he could come in. He had more than enough calc and probe depths to qualify!!! It was nice to find a pt. for mockboards even if it was at the last minute.


We had no pts in the morning session of clinic and I saw my class 4 pt in the afternoon. He was the same old pt. he is a very nice great guy and we have become friends and he is very appreciative of the treatment I am provding for him. I completed one more quad which means that I only have one left on him. I don't have a mockboard pt still so he is going to be a back up in case I can't find a more suitable patient.


I saw another class 5 patient in the morning, she also took pretty good care of her teeth much like my last class 5 pt that I saw the week before. She had a little more deposit, especially on her maxillary anteriors with is not a usual place to find calculus if they don't have calculus anywhere else. In the afternoon I saw my aunt she has a lot of health problems and she lost her job and was put on disability because of a car accident and so hadn't been to the dentist in quite a while. Her health history was a great experience because I never had done that extensive of a health history, it ended up taking 3 pages of the white paper to document all of her HX findings. She takes good care of her teeth as well so her teeth were in great shape especially considering some of the side effects of her meds and health problems.


I saw my class 4 pt again and was able to complete another quad on him. He had the same amount of excessive bleeding whenever I had contact with his tissues. It becomes very frustrating after a while but makes for a very good experience in attempting to clean his teeth. In the afternoon I saw a class 5 pt and did an exam on her. She took very good care of her teeth and so she had only light calulus throughout her mouth. She came in for me last minute when my pt canceled the night before and it all worked out great!


On the 27th I saw a class 2 pt in the morning and did an exam on her. She was a pt that I had seen last semester and she returned this semester. It was a pretty basic pt with no complications other than the language barrier. In the afternoon I say a 1A, he was very active and a cute little boy. At first he was very hesitant to have me look in his mouth but with a little work I was able to convince him to let me polish and floss his teeth. After my 1A pt. I saw Miguel my other 1A pt again because I placed sealants on his teeth and used a new type of sealant material, which fell out and so I had to do his sealants over again.