Bruisers Blog

Monday, March 05, 2007


Today I saw my first class 1A patients, I saw 2 sisters that were 5 and 7 years old. I was very suprised to see how much plaque and calculus they had on their teeth being so young. It was fun to see them because they were very good little patients especially for kids. I got both of them done in one day so I got 8 quads of class 1A. It was more difficult for me to chart the mixed dentition since we don't do it often but overall I would say that the experience went well today.


Today my patient was another class 1 she did have a lot of resorations. She had 12 crowns and 4 fillings, which made it a fun experience to try to chart all of those. It also made it more difficult to remove placque and calculus in her mouth. It was a different experience than I have had in the past so that was nice. I got her done a lot faster than I thought I would and it went well.


Today a friend of my husbands came in. He was a class 1B and a farely easy one. He took really good care of his teeth and he was very interested in any suggestions that I had for keeping his teeth clean. It went well and I got him done in 1 hour and 45 minutes or around that. It was nice to know that I am getting faster and that I got him done so fast. It went really well.


Today's clinic was very interesting I had a patient that was only 16 years old and from China. I went through everything and called for an OD check one of the TAs declared her a class 1B and a scaled and got all of the supra calculus. When I called for a scale check Prof. M came over to do the scale check and she said that she should have been a class 2. As is turns out she had a rim of calculus under her tissue that needed to be removed. I used the ultrasonic scaler to remove it. It was my first time using the ultrasonic and with how much calculus there was it was a little bit challanging but it went well. I was happy to have another class 2 and have the experience with the ultrasonic.


Today we went over how to use the ultrasonic. It was a little different then I thought that it would be. I didn't know that it would get the person so wet and it is more difficult for me to detect calculus with the tip. I know that I will get better at it but for now I need a lot of work. My goal on learning it and trying it out to get a feel for it was accoplished and it was a good day.


Today in clinic my patient was a patient from the recall list, so I wasn't sure what to expect. My goal was to get to scaling and depending on what class she was to try to finish scaling and possibly declare and exam. She ended up being a class 2 and I declared my class 2 exam. It went really well I got her finished in the right amount of time and didn't have any spots of calculus left. I was really excited and it was really nice to know that my class 2 exam is done.