Today went well in the morning my pt was a 1B and so very nice easy morning. I got him completed and out by 10! He did want a copy of his moms x-rays since a tooth was bothering her and she wanted to go to her dentist and didn't wan to pay for more x-rays and lost her copy from when she was in the clinic in September. It was a good experience since I hadn't dupicated x-rays since fall semester of 1st year and had to learn it all over again basically. Then my pt who was my mockboard who was returning to finish his remaining quads didn't come back. I need one more quad of a class 3 exam so I am worried that I won't find one now but hopefully it all works out. I was able to find another 1B to replace him at the last minute which worked out good since I need 1Bs. He was an easy pt...a little on the weird side but nice! It was a good day!